Introducing getactions—a community-driven central hub for effortlessly installable GitHub Actions workflows. Repository

Don't Copy & Paste. Install GitHub Actions Workflows.

We all know that situation: You start a new project and need to configure your GitHub Actions workflows. You could copy and paste from another project, but why not install them instead?

Recently added workflows

Here are some of the latest workflows added to the collection.

The logo of the 'Deno: Formatting, Linting, Testing' workflow

Deno: Formatting, Linting, Testing

Ensures your code is consistently formatted, lint-free, and tested on every commit.

Continuous Integration
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The logo of the 'Rust: Run Test Suite' workflow

Rust: Run Test Suite

Installs dependencies and runs tests on the main branch using Cargo.

Continuous Integration
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The logo of the 'Kubernetes' workflow


Deploy your application to Kubernetes securely.

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The logo of the 'Go - Build and Upload Binaries' workflow

Go - Build and Upload Binaries

Build your go project for multiple platforms and associate the binaries with your GitHub release.

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The logo of the 'Node.js: Run Test Suite' workflow

Node.js: Run Test Suite

Installs dependencies, optionally build the project and runs tests on the main branch.

Continuous Integration
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The logo of the 'PHP: Run Test Suite' workflow

PHP: Run Test Suite

Installs dependencies and runs tests on the main branch using Composer.

Continuous Integration
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The logo of the 'Terraform Linting' workflow

Terraform Linting

Make sure that your Terraform files are in good shape. Validation, Linting and Formatting check in one-go.

Continuous Integration
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The logo of the 'WunderGraph Cosmo Schema Check' workflow

WunderGraph Cosmo Schema Check

Check if your Subgraph GraphQL schema is still compatible with the rest of your federated graph.

Continuous Integration
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The logo of the 'Coolify' workflow


Creates a container image from your Dockerfile and deploys your application to your Coolify instance.

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The logo of the '' workflow

You only need a Dockerfile and this workflow ships your application to

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The logo of the 'Google Cloud Run' workflow

Google Cloud Run

Deploy your application to Google Cloud Run directly from source – no Dockerfile required.

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The logo of the 'Vercel Preview' workflow

Vercel Preview

This workflow deploys your application to Vercel as a preview deployment

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The logo of the 'Vercel Production' workflow

Vercel Production

This workflow deploys your application to Vercel as a production deployment

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The logo of the 'Dependency Review' workflow

Dependency Review

Detects introduced vulnerable dependencies in your Pull Requests.

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Don't see the workflow you need?

We're super excited to hear your ideas.